Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Beyonce, Kiwis and Halloweenie.

So somehow November has reared his little mausctached face and we see ourselves once again hurtling towards Santa time, which is kind of like Hammertime just with different pants. So I seemed to have got my self engaged to a Takapuna hotty. It was relatively easy, I just snuck up behind her while she was in the water. Thrust a ring in her face and scared the bejesus out of her. Honestly I was glad I was in the water because I might of popped a little wee when she said yes. Although we have started planning for the wedding I do have to remind Jules when she gets a little unruly, that the engagement is but a probational period, placed to test her good wifey skills.
We had some Vietnamesey Visitors last month. A quintuplet of excitement, a gaggle of Kiwis with a little aussie thrown in the mix. It was great to show them around our new home while digesting tasty morsels  and soaking ourselves in Larue Lager. It was truly O for orsome and I cannot wait until next July when our next visitors arrive.
On a sad note we lost one of our family members last month. Our little ‘Nooky’ went out one night and never came home. Maybe she found a better home, maybe she was sick of her brother getting all the food…..who knows. Someone suggested she may have been eaten but we all know that know one likes eating ginger…..cats.
Had my biggest Halloween week in a while. Started off painting little kids faces at Jules’s school, then painted my face and taught art at Green shoots while painting the kids faces there, then finished the night painting Jules and Kathy’s faces before we went to 17 Saloon Halloween extravaganza. After that I painted no more faces.
I am two days away from finishing my Mural at the hospital. I have met a lot of cool people there, doctors, nurses, volunteers and little kids. I am really happy with how it has turned out and cant wait to see the opening of the floor after Christmas.
Last week Jules and I went on a five day trip to Dalat. We went on a couple of day trips, climbed a mountain in jandels, ate some crickets, ate my weight in cake, ate the thinnest pizza in the world. Actually the only thing I didn’t eat was a ginger….cat.  We loved Dalat, with it’s cool mountain air and art Deco houses. Jules dressed like an Eskimo the whole time. I fear the Da Nang climate may have stifled her ability to live anywhere cold again.
So it is now the middle of November and rainy season still has not really arrived. Apparantly this time last year some of the local fish moved into the 10th floor of the Mecure because it was so wet.
Lastly I have to mention an alarming trend that has suddenly burst onto the scene here in Vietnam. Pyjamas have become popular day wear for the old wrinkly men. You know those light blue distinguished men’s jim jams with a top pocket and dark rimmed cuffs. Granted they are a good looking night garment but I cannot figure out if the men don’t know if they are pyjamas or they get out of bed in the morning, look at their wardrobe and decide that what they are already wearing trumps anything else they have. I feel the next logical step is that it will catch on with the kids then we will all be dancing Gangnam Style in our pyjamas at the local RSA. Until next time peeps, over and out.
